
Geld drucken? Das hätten die PIIGS gerne

Europäische Zentralbank: Der letzte Gläubiger - Wirtschaft - FAZ

Vorgestern in Bruxelles: O-Töne aus einem biz dinner

1) A senior official from a AAA country in Europe, saying of the euro – “It seems we have created a machine from hell, that we cannot turn off.”

2) A senior official from a country that is in trouble with the markets saying that – “For us Europe was a dream, but now it is a nightmare” – and concluding that the only option was for his country was to leave the euro. I asked him whether this was official policy. He said – no, but he personally could not see any other way out.

3) A Brussels-based official who says that he is thinking of “Armageddon plays”. In other words, what to do with his money, if the euro breaks up. His conclusion – “Buy land in New Zealand. If war breaks out in Europe, you can always go and live there, grow your own food and sell vegetables to the Chinese.”

link zum ganzen Artikel:

Italiens Anleihen über 7% - Spaniens Anleihen nahe 7%

Italia quo vadis? (update)


Den PIIGS in Stammbuch geschrieben

“When it becomes necessary for a state to declare itself bankrupt, in the same manner as when it becomes necessary for an individual to do so, a fair, open and avowed bankruptcy is always the measure which is both least dishonorable to the debtors and least hurtful to the creditor” –Adam Smith

Blick voraus: Europa 2020


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